Your Virtual number

Your virtual number is a landline virtual phone (landline phone line) of the country that you want and that will ring on your mobile (cellular) wherever you are.

Virtual number of Spain

Virtual number from more than 60 countries

A virtual number is a landline to receive calls, these calls can be fowarding to a cellphone national or abroad. This is done at a very low price compared to traditional telephony, both in monthly payments and in call forwarding.

Landline virtual number on your mobile

Your virtual fixed number will ring in your mobile and if you also hire a virtual exchange you will have a lot of additional options. All this and with the flexibility of being able to remove it when you want and without penalties, no permanence, there are not setup cost.

Virtual number from more than 60 countries

We can provide you with a virtual number in more than 60 countries around the world, from Spain, Argentina, Chile, Peru, United States, France, United Kingdom, etc.

Do you go abroad and still want to receive your calls?

With yourvirtual number you can continue to receive calls to your mobile phone without having to pay roaming in Frequently Asked Questions we teach you how to do it.